Membership Application
Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved. Gas Turbine Users International.

GTUI Membership Criteria
The GTUI is a membership organization. Only members of the organization or their company
representatives may participate in the annual forum or any other GTUI activity or represent themselves as
members of GTUI.
The GTUI member classes and method for applying for membership is defined below. To apply for
membership, click here.
Voting Members:
Principals or employees of user companies (who are not part of the gas turbine design and
manufacturing industry or entities that design or supply gas turbine components) that own and operate
gas turbine equipment in land and marine applications.
Affiliate Members:
Equipment Manufacturers:
Emeritus Members:
Principals or employees of companies that provide services to gas turbine owners and operators
including consulting services, provision of knowledge, and other certain activities and do not offer a
physical product for sale to a user in competition with an invited OEM. Affiliate Members do not have
voting privileges.
Principals or employees of gas turbine original equipment manufacturing companies (OEM's) and
principals or employees of companies that design and supply original equipment gas turbines in land
and marine applications. This includes all licensed overhaul, service and repair shops and/or
organizations commonly recognized as being part of an OEM or having a direct licensee relationship
with an OEM. Equipment Manufacturers do not have voting privileges.
Members selected by the GTUI Board of Directors whose service to the gas turbine user community is
well recognized and appreciated but who are no longer associated with a user company. Emeritus
member status will be suspended if the Emeritus Member becomes an employee of an OEM or third party
service provider. Emeritus Members have voting privileges similar to Voting Members.
Membership Classes
Annual Fees for Membership
Voting Member
US $ 0
Affiliate Member
US $ 350
Equipment Manufacturer
US $ 0 Per Delegate Attending Annual Meeting