The Board of Directors is comprised of seven (7) voting members from the Voting Member or Emeritus
Member categories of GTUI membership.
The GTUI Board of Directors is the governing body for the Gas Turbine Users International. The Board of
Directors has final authority over all aspects of GTUI operation. Unless otherwise specifically delegated
by these Guidelines or Board of Directors action to another entity, all responsibility and authority for
GTUI organization, function, and administration is reserved to the Board of Directors.
GTUI is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the Voting Members and Emeritus Members.
Election of members of the Board of Directors:
The founding members of the GTUI Board of Directors elected prior to the incorporation of the Gas
Turbine Users International, Inc. were:
A maximum of three (3) out of the seven (7) voting Board Members may be Emeritus Members.
The Treasurer is an eighth (8th) and non-voting member of the Board of Directors.
Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved. Gas Turbine Users International.

GTUI Governance
Appointment of one member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Advisors shall appoint one (1)
member of the Board of Directors to serve for an indeterminate term at the sole pleasure of the Board of
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve for an indeterminate term at the sole
pleasure of the Board of Directors.
Following the 2008 annual meeting, the initial Board of Directors elected prior to incorporation were
divided into three (3) classes by mutual agreement of the initial Board of Directors members (or
successor, if any).
Following the March 2010 annual meeting of GTUI, the GTUI Board of Directors are:
The Board of Advisors is composed of Emeritus Members who are both:
Membership on the Board of Advisors is not time limited and will be confirmed by acceptance of an
invitation from the Board of Directors to membership on the Board of Advisors.
The function of the Board of Advisors is to assist the Board of Directors in providing continuity of GTUI
traditions and practices over time and to advise on changes in the industry.
The Board of Advisors shall appoint one (1) voting member of the Board of Directors. This appointment
shall be as determined by the Board of Advisors and for a term as set by the Board of Advisors. The
appointed member of the Board of Directors serves at the pleasure of the Board of Advisors members.
The Board of Advisors, by a majority vote, can remove and replace their appointed member of the Board
of Directors.
The Board of Advisors is a purely advisory group with no voting authority over the affairs of GTUI other
than that set out above.
The Board of Advisors will render a report annually to the GTUI membership at the annual meeting on
the current “state of the GTUI” focusing on the traditions and networking aspects of the GTUI including
aspects of professional behavior on the part of attendees.
The officers of GTUI include:
Officers of the GTUI will be appointed by the Board of Directors from the Voting Members and Emeritus
Members on the Board of Directors, with the exception of the Treasurer who will be selected for merit
and skill in this function. Officers serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors with the exception of the
Board member appointed by the Board of Advisors.
Board of Directors
1) Omar Shams
2) Richard Huntington
3) Dale Hasselfeld
4) Terry Harrison
5) John Platt
6) Terry Morgan (Emeritus Member)
7) Gary McKinney (Emeritus Member)
8) Ian Langham (Emeritus Member)
This pattern of elections of Board Member Classes will be repeated during subsequent
annual meetings of the membership.
The Treasurer will be appointed by the Board of Directors and is a non-voting member of the Board of
Directors. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the Treasurer may be selected with due
consideration to skills and qualifications.
The term of office for the Officers may vary at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
1) Omar Shams - President
2) Richard Huntington - Vice-President
3) David Stek
4) Terry Harrison
5) John Platt (Emeritus Member)
6) Terry Morgan (Emeritus Member) - Secretary
7) Ian Langham (Emeritus Member and BOA Appointee) - Voting Director and Treasurer
Board of Advisors
Active in GTUI and within the gas turbine industry.

Elected to the Board of Advisors by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
Officers of GTUI
Six voting members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority ballot of the Voting
and Emeritus member classes.
Each member thus elected will serve a term of three (3) years in one of three (3) Board Member
Classes, A, B or C. Each Class shall have two members.
Commencing with the annual meeting in 2010, members of Board Member Class A shall be
elected by majority ballot of the members of the Voting and Emeritus membership present at this
annual meeting of the membership. Board Member Class B shall be similarly elected in 2011.
Board Member Class C shall be similarly elected in 2012.
• President
• Vice President & OEM Liaison Officer
• Secretary
• Treasurer
Following the April 2011 annual meeting of GTUI, the GTUI Board of Directors are:
1) Richard Huntington - President
2) Hasan Sabri - Vice-President
3) David Stek - Secretary
4) John Platt (Emeritus Member and BOA Appointee)
5) Mohammed Sadek
6) Michael Ford
7) Ian Langham (Emeritus Member) - Treasurer
Following the April 2013 annual meeting of GTUI, the GTUI Board of Directors are:
1) Richard Huntington - President
2) Hasan Sabri - Vice-President
3) John Platt (Emeritus Member) - Secretary
4) Martin Kyska
5) Mohammed Sadek
6) Mohammed El-Abyouki
7) Mahmoud Sabban
8) Ian Langham (Emeritus Member) - Treasurer