Gas Turbine Users International - Members Only
Board of Directors members and Emeritus Members will periodically monitor the Roundtables for
effective leadership and solicit comments from attendees to improve the Roundtable and generate
new leadership candidates.
Any attendee at GTUI is encouraged to approach the Roundtable Chair and Vice Chair directly with
any feedback or suggestions for Roundtable improvement. Any attendee may also approach any Board
Member or Emeritus member directly to provide feedback on Roundtable function.
The OEM Liaison Officer of the Board of Directors may also contact senior OEM management to seek
information on their perspective regarding Roundtable function, quality of issues developed, and
handling of problems generated and to give feedback to the OEM regarding their contribution to the
All Roundtable attendees have the option of filling out a questionnaire to assess the performance of
these sessions. The Board of Directors will analyze the results of the data gathered from the
Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved. Gas Turbine Users International.

GTUI Roundtable Guidelines, cont'd
8. Roundtable Quality Assurance