Gas Turbine Users International - Members Only |
The role of Roundtable Chair and Vice Chair is essential to the function of the GTUI. The role of Chair requires experience with gas turbines (ideally with the gas turbine under discussion), recognized senior standing in the User forum, knowledge of the industry and key issues, sensitivity to the interests of all Roundtable attendees including OEM’s and the ability to keep the Roundtable on track and provide a stable, organized discussion forum for all. Given the above, not all GTUI members can be effective Roundtable Chairs and training in historically successful Roundtable techniques will help all potential Chairs. |
Completion of Roundtable Training will generally be required to serve as a Roundtable Chair and Vice Chair. Roundtable training for Assistants may be waived on an individual basis by the Board of Directors Chair on recommendation of the Roundtable Chair. |
The Board of Directors may, in its sole judgment, appoint Roundtable Chairs who have not completed Roundtable training provided the appointed individual is generally recognized by skill, experience and personality as having the required skills, background and judgment to effectively run a Roundtable. |
Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved. Gas Turbine Users International. |
GTUI Roundtable Guidelines, cont'd |
5. Training of Roundtable Chair and Vice Chair |
The Board of Directors will provide training on Roundtable leadership techniques and the requirements for Roundtable discussion topics to all Chairs and Vice Chairs. The training will generally occur the day prior to the conference. |