Gas Turbine Users International - Members Only
The goal of the GTUI is improvement of User technical, operations and maintenance practices; the
resolution of gas turbine technical issues; and networking within the gas turbine community. Social
and Hospitality Suite events can contribute to these goals but must not detract in any way from the
goals or become the focus of OEM participation. Professional conduct and emphasis on technical and
operations content are required at all times.
The opportunity to sponsor certain signature activities including joint naming rights with GTUI (such as
any GTUI golf tournament or other social event intended for all GTUI attendees) will be offered to the
highest sealed bid by an Invited OEM on a multi-year block basis. Payment schedule will be negotiated
with the GTUI Board of Directors.
The Opening Night Reception for User attendees and the Closing User Banquet will not be available for
sponsorship by OEM’s.
The Annual Conference Chair will coordinate Hospitality Suite scheduling and other social events
during the annual event. Reasonable attempts will be made to minimize scheduling conflicts. No
social event or Hospitality Suite may be scheduled by a participating OEM during the GTUI annual
event without the written approval of the GTUI Conference Chair.
Hospitality Suites and social events will not be held during GTUI sessions or during regularly
scheduled Roundtables.
Hospitality Suites will be held only at the GTUI Conference venue.
OEM’s may include sales and promotional material in their Hospitality Suites
OEM’s may control attendance at their Hospitality Suites.
GTUI scheduled social events, which may be sponsored by one or more OEM’s or GTUI, will be open to
all GTUI attendees.
Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved. Gas Turbine Users International.

GTUI OEM Guidelines, cont'd
4. Hospitality Suite and Social Event Guidelines
GTUI events, including OEM sponsored activities, are intended to be suitable for spouses and other
guests. Conduct and other activities including performances at Hospitality Suites and Social Events
must comply with current USA guidance on discriminatory behaviors and must respect the diversity of
all attendees at the event.